Vector image of a man and a woman either side of a line.
Mediation: How does it work?

Mediation provides an effective way to reduce the conflict when a relationship breaks down.

Mediation can help you deal with your money, the options about where you will live and planning your future finances.

If children are involved, you can consider together what arrangements will work best for your children. Our mediators are trained to see your children and give them a voice in the process if you both think this is right and the children agree.

The Government’s Ministry of Justice Voucher Scheme enables us to offer £500 towards each case that involves children.

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Family Mediation in the New Forest

The first step is usually to attend an initial meeting to find out if the process is right for you.

Mediation is voluntary. Mediation helps you stay in control. The Mediator’s role is to help you find a solution which works for you both. We help identify those matters you cannot agree on and assist in finding a solution.

Our experienced Mediators are trained to help resolve disputes in relation to all issues faced by separating couples.

Two people holding mugs, sitting across a table.

Issues you can mediate:

  • Matters regarding children
  • Dividing the family assets
  • Where the family will live
  • Maintenance
  • Child support
  • Pension sharing
  • Family business matters
  • Cohabitation disputes
  • Same-sex relationship breakdown

How does it work?

Everything you need to know

Your Questions Answered

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Family Mediation in Hampshire

Our experienced mediators are committed to helping couples resolve their differences in a positive and constructive way. We will help you address contentious issues – particularly regarding children – away from the court and will encourage you to focus on the needs of the family as a whole.

We also offer collaborative law and family arbitration services.

Who pays for Mediation?

Payment for mediation is flexible and can be arranged according to personal preferences. Couples may choose to split the cost equally, pay from a joint account, or have one party cover the expenses.

Do you offer payment plans?

Rather than requiring a large upfront payment, we invoice at the end of each mediation session. The cost of mediation is discussed thoroughly before the process begins.

How much does Mediation cost overall?

The initial Mediation and Assessment Meetings are £250+ VAT each, with ongoing sessions charged at an hourly rate. Typically, the final total cost ranges between £2,000 – £5,000 + VAT, depending on the number of sessions required. It is worth noting that there is a government voucher scheme offering up to £500 per couple for joint sessions involving children.

How many Mediation sessions will a couple need?

The number of sessions varies for each couple, typically ranging from 2-5 meetings. It is essential that our trained mediators recognise that the couple is progressing through the mediation sessions, and if we feel that we’re going round in circles, alternative routes will be suggested to ensure you get the most out of your journey with us.

Do I have to have Mediation?

Mediation is voluntary, except when either party seeks a court application regarding finances or child arrangements. In this case, a qualified mediator will need to sign off the application form, and an individual meeting is held for that purpose.

When is Mediation not appropriate?

Mediation may not be suitable in cases of significant power imbalances, past domestic violence, or where one party feels anxious about participating. Mediation is perfect for couples who are able to come together and sit back slightly from the emotion, with the joint goal of making decisions that are completely future focussed and in the interests of both parties. Where mediation might not be suitable, alternative processes will be recommended to you.

Can Mediation be done over the phone?

We don’t offer mediation over the phone simply in the interest of your comfort and safety. Our expert mediators are trained to read subtleties in body language, to identify if one half of the couple is feeling uncomfortable, upset, or distressed. We do however provide options like shuttle mediation or video calls to accommodate couples’ preferences while ensuring a safe and productive environment.

What’s the difference between Mediation and Arbitration?

Mediation involves couples making decisions together with the guidance of a mediator, while arbitration entails a neutral judge making decisions for the couple.

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We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out our form or contact us using the details below.

Phone: 01590 676933

Fax: 01590 679663

Email: [email protected]

Scott Bailey LLP, 63 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9ZT

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